When your team is assigned to play softball games at Miller Field, and it has rained or there is a threat of rain or it is raining the following rules apply:
- NO – ONE and We mean NO – One is allowed to Rake, Shovel or Broom any Miller Fields in order to get them into shape in order to play softball, or any other sport. The rules at Miller Field are quite clear. We ask and insist that all players in The Just for Kicks Softball Leagues abide and adhere to the following statements:
- They, the Federal Government, do not allow any person outside their agency (Gateway National Park) to prepare the fields for play. This clearly means that an individual or several individuals cannot Rake, Shovel or Broom any field at “Miller Field”. The Federal Government has total jurisdiction of the fields and they make the final decision as to whether or not the games can be played.
- If they, the Federal Government, (the Park Rangers) are at the field and request teams to stop playing, then that is their decision and we must abide by their decisions. Any kind of back talk is reflected back to the league in which you play. Therefore, it is requested that only the umpires talk to the “Federal Park Rangers at Miller Field. All other players from the teams are asked not to converse or make comments to the “Federal Park Rangers”.
- The “Federal Park Rangers” are doing their job and it is their responsibility to enforce the rules which are created by their superiors. They do not need to be disrespected in any way.
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