Very Important Directions for using this page in the Just for Kicks web site.
Please read and follow the instructions below.
When you want to download any of the Notices or Illegal Bat Lists, or any of the 2 Long Form Set of Rules for Saturdays/ Sundays and Week Nights, (ALL OF WHICH ARE LISTED BELOW), please follow these simply directions:
1. Click on either 1 of the Notices or 1 of the Rules.
2. A post will appear on your monitor, click on either the notice or rule once again.
3. On the file Download click on the “open” box.
4. The file will now be on your monitor.
5. You can now print the document…go to file, then print, then click ok.
6. Once the document prints, point on the back arrow…click on the back arrow. The post from above item # 2 above will once appear again. Point on the back arrow and click on the back arrow.
7. When you have clicked on the back arrow, please be patient and you will be returned to the “The Playing Rule/Rule Update & Important Notice Page.”
Rule Updates & Notices:
Occasionally, we will make updates to the rules, or further elaborate on existing rules to eliminate the possibility of confusion. As such, it is important that you regularly return to the JFK Softball website and the pages contained herein. When changes are made, these changes can be made without notice to any team or manager. This is why it is up to the team manager and its players to keep a watchful eye on all notices, illegal bat lists and all rules.
It is the responsibility of each team, and their players, to relay and understand these notices and Illegal bat lists. If for any reason you are unclear about anything contained in these notices, kindly contact the commish by emailing
Downloadable NOTICES and NEW RULES:
The following notices and new rules can be downloaded and read. It might be to you and your team’s advantage to make a copy so that all players understand the guideline and rules of each notice.
There are several notices and several illegal bat lists that are extremely important to the league. Each manager, player and umpire should know and understand these notices. No one should want to purchase and use any illegal bat. These notice and lists are as follows:
as more current lists of illegal bats are generated by ASA, they will be posted below
- Notice # 1 “Pitching” Sept 2019 (Word Version)
- Notice # 2 “Uniforms” May 2023 (Word Version)
- Notice # 3 Scheduling May 2011 (Word Version)
- Notice # 4 “Spitting” May 2011 (Word Version)
- Notice # 5 was eliminated … Please go to the Long form of the Saturday and Sunday Rules, point # 29 for further clarification.
- ASA-JFK Banned from Pitching rev 2/1/19.
This is the ASA “A”, “B” and “C” pitchers list. It is in alphabetical order .. all these pitchers listed cannot pitch in the Just for Kicks Softball League. Only the JFK league Commissioner can remove or add pitchers to this list. The rules for pitching in the Just for Kicks league was revised on the Long form of the Saturday and Sunday Rules dated 2/2016, point # 29 .
- Notice # 7 JFK MUST ASK PITCHING LIST This is a list which was submitted by the South Shore Softball League. If any team wishes to use any of the pitchers named on this list they must first ask the commish. The commish will then ask the managers of the division if the pitcher is to pitch. Must be a total of 100 % approval of all managers and then final stamped by the commish.
- ASA Illegal Bat List # 1 (PDF)
- ASA Illegal Bat List # 2 (PDF)
- ASA Illegal bat List # 3 (PDF)
- ASA Illegal Bat List # 4 the latest as of Jan 2014 (PDF)
- ASA Illegal Bat List # 5 (Word Version) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT
- 2024 Non-Approved ASA Bat List
Penalties for the use of illegal bats are explained below. Please read and understand. If you do not contact the commish by email.
Downloadable Complete Set of Rules:
These rules are constantly being updated and new rules are added. It is up to each player and manager to visit these rules and make sure that all participants of the games are aware of any revised or new rules. Any rule revised will be so noted with a revision date. Any new rule will so noted as well. Again, it is the responsibility of all managers, players and participants to be fully aware of these rules set forth herein. Any and all changes do not have to be sent to each manager, player and participant. Therefore, by accepting to play in the Just for Kicks Softball League, each player, manager and participant has accepted their responsibility to follow all rules regarding both the WEEK NIGHT and SATURDAY and SUNDAY LEAGUES.
There are 2 sets of rules. The 1st is for Saturdays and Sundays. The 2nd is for the Week Nights. They are posted below and a copy should be downloaded so that all the rules are understood. These rules should be in the hands of the manager at each game. If there are any questions regarding any rule, you should contact the commissioner at once.
- There is no longer a set of short form rules for either Week Night or Saturdays and Sundays.
To repeat again: Any of the above documents above should be downloaded and printed. It is suggested that all managers do this and have a copy placed in their score books to be used for future reference. Not knowing or unaware of any rule is not and will not be tolerated or accepted as an excuse.
The Use of an illegal bat is as follows:
The following is a reminder for using an illegal bat in the Just for Kicks Softball League. The illegal bat lists are listed above. It is strongly recommended that all players abide by the rules regarding the use of “legal and “illegal” bats. THERE ARE 4 ILLEGAL BAT LISTS THAT CAN BE FOUND ABOVE and WILL BE UPDATED as ADDITIONAL LISTS BERCOME AVAILABLE.
The Reminder: Any batter who comes up to the plate with an illegal bat is declared out immediately…this is in lieu of being ejected from the game.
If a batter is found to have used an illegal bat and it is determined that the bat is in fact illegal, the batter is declared out and all base runners must return to their bases at the time of the pitch. This finding of an illegal bat must be done prior to the next legal or illegal pitch. Once a bat is found in the game as having been used and is found to be illegal, that bat is not to be used at any time during the remainder of the game or games. Should a player use a bat that was determined to be illegal during the game and a player decides to use the “illegal” bat, that player will be ejected from the game, can be ejected for the entire season and expected to pay a fine to the league.
~ The Commish