There are four (4) forms which must be completed by each team. You should download all four (4). They are as follows:
- The General Information Sheet must be completed with all fields filled in. Once completed email this document to us at;
- The roster of the team is to be submitted on an official ROSTER SHEET. Once completed either hand to the commish at the field or bring it to the commissioner’s house or email this document to us at;
- There are 2 LINE-UP CARDS that must be submitted to either the umpire or the scorekeeper. The choice of what to use is up to the team manager. However, if your game(s) has an assigned scorekeeper then the 2nd line-up card MUST BE USED. NO Exceptions as theses line-up cards will be given to the scorekeeper and eventually to the commish for record keeping and audit purposes to identify qualified players for the playoffs.
Required Forms:
1. The first is the General Information Sheet.
General Information Sheet (Word Version) updated 3/28.
2. The second is the Official Just for Kicks Roster Sheet.
Just for Kicks Roster Sheet [Word Version] (rev21)
IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING THE OFFICIAL ROSTER SHEET: The Official Roster Sheet for the Spring/Summer Softball Leagues are not due till the 4th week of the season. For the Fall League, the Official Roster Sheet is not due till the 3rd week of the season. Please make sure the roster sheets are completed properly that is, all information that is requested is to be inserted on the Roster Sheet. Please follow the instructions at the bottom of the roster sheet. The completed Roster sheet can be mailed or emailed to the commissioner or handed to him in person at a game.
Failure to submit an Official Roster sheet is not the responsibility of the commissioner. It is up to the team manager to submit this “very important” document to the commissioner. Failure to submit a roster or adding players to the roster sheet has major penalties such as a loss of a game for not having a player listed on the “Roster Sheet” or loss of the entire playoff (all games) for not having a roster sheet.
The commissioner will neither not ask for, nor remind a team to submit a roster sheet. When the commissioner has a roster sheet a team can add a player or players by emailing the commissioner the names of the players. Adding players must be done within the first 5 weeks of the season from opening day. Adding players just prior to the playoffs will not be accepted.
3. The third important form for all teams is the LINE-UP CARD which must be presented to the umpires and/or scorekeepers prior to each game.
1st Line-up Card New 4 on 1 page (Word version)
2nd Line-up Card 1 on a single page (Word version)
The 1st Line-up card listed above has 4 line-up cards on a single page. The 2nd line-up card listed above has only 1 on a single page. You are asked to download and have available for each game that you play. Make extra copies for future use.
The PITCHER listed on this line-up card must be listed with both the first and last name of the player. If just the first name or nickname is used, the pitcher of the game will not be given credit for the innings pitched. A PITCHER in this league must pitch a minimum of 25 innings for the Spring Season and 18 innings for both the Week Night and Fall Seasons in order to qualify for the playoffs. There will no exceptions or excuses. There is a space on the line-up sheet that the manager can enter the first and last name of the pitcher for that game.
The Use of an illegal bat is as follows:
The following is a reminder for using an illegal bat in the Just for Kicks Softball League. The illegal bat lists can be found on the “RULES PAGE” and it is strongly recommended that all players abide by the rules regarding the use of “legal and “illegal” bats. THERE ARE 4 ILLEGAL BAT LISTS THAT CAN BE FOUND ON THE “RULES PAGE” The latest being January 2014.
The Reminder: Any batter who comes up to the plate with an illegal bat is declared out immediately…this is in lieu of being ejected from the game.
If a batter is found to have used an illegal bat and it is determined that the bat is in fact illegal, the batter is declared out and all base runners must return to their bases at the time of the pitch. This finding of an illegal bat must be done prior to the next legal or illegal pitch. Once a bat is found in the game as having been used and is found to be illegal, that bat is not to be used at any time during the remainder of the game or games. Should a player use a bat that was determined to be illegal during the game and a player decides to use the “illegal” bat, that player will be ejected from the game and expected to pay a fine to the league.
It is recommended that all umpires and managers have a copy of all of the illegal bat lists. There are 4 of them and they can be found on the “RULES UPDATES NOTICES PAGE”.
~The Commish
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